Sunday, 13 January 2008

Turning 2.0 Season 3 Chapter 7 : Baby Goodbye (Friday Hill)

I came back to Kuching and volunteered for about two months in my old high school. To be honest with you, I am not sure how much of that was volunteering as I felt more like a nuissance. LOL. Then I went to hunt for my biological family but to no avail. The one good thing that happened was that I finally hooked up with Caitlyn. However, the joy did not last long. The story continues.

"The past will always be there. And the past will never change. The only thing we can do is try and change the present for a better future. The only thing we can do is try to enjoy the present and find a silver lining in everything we encounter. Blessing in disguise, as some might say. I am counting my blessings everyday"

September 21st.

A day before my departure. Time passed by me so quickly that I barely noticed the two months that flew before my very own eyes. It felt like it was just yesterday I returned to my home. It felt like it was just last night I crashed in my very own bed. I seemed like it was just a few moments ago I was lying down beside my brother, laughing while tickling him.

Today, I had two final errands to run. The first, driving my brother to his primary school to ask about the procedure of changing schools. My mother wanted my brother to change to a Malay language medium school. She felt guilty for putting my brother through 5 years of hell as my brother had always been weak in Chinese. She wanted me to register him into my alma mater, my previous school. At first I was stubborn. I felt like if he were to transfer school and register in St Joseph, my alma mater, he would have difficulty fitting in as he must start Year 1 immediately. If he were to go to Batu Lintang, the school that he might enter, he would not have to enter Year 1 immediately. Instead, he would get a year of Transition Class where he could learn English and Malay again. My mother, however, felt like he would be wasting a year. After arguing this over and over again, I bet you guys know the outcome already.

My mum won as she played the mum card, a card that the son card can never triumph. So unfair. So as I drove my brother to the primary school, he seemed to be sad. He seemed to be depressed. After a while of trying to find out the reason, I finally realized that he didn’t want to change school. When I asked him if that was the cause, he said yes. I asked him why. His answer is a very simple two word answer. An answer I could understand very well. He told me the reason why he didn’t want to change school was because of his friends. If he were to change school, he would never see them again. After having friends like Dominic, Muz, Ihsan and Jerry, I knew how that felt. I agree with the whole stepping out of your comfort zone concept but the question is when the right time is to step out. My gut feeling told me that it was too soon.

I told my brother that I would just go and ask because my mum wanted me to but I will not push him to change school and that the choice is all up to him because I would tell my mum that it was difficult to change school. Something that is true but at least if my mum were to hear it from me, she would stop pushing for my brother to change schools. My brother went along with the plan.

After going to his primary school, we went to my uncle’s workshop. We sat there for a while before we went to service the family car. After that, we went home.

September 22nd

That was the day of departure. Right before that day, my brother and my sister had been asking if I could change my return flight. They asked if I could change it to a later day. I said I could not. The truth is I could but I did not want to. Changing the date of return to Japan would only prolong their misery. Sometimes the faster you say goodbye, the better it is.

On this day, it was a completely family day. I spent the whole day going out with family. We went shopping for food that I would bring back to Japan. We went to cut my hair. A move I would forever dread. I never go to any barber my mum recommended cause it usually ended up being a bad decision. But on this day, I thought that since it was my last day of 2007 in Kuching, I would please my mother’s wishes and go. Bad, bad move. My hair ended up real bad. It was cool, IF I had lots of gel to style it. Without those gels, it would look dreadful. Sigh.

So after the barber shop, we went home so that my mum could start cooking my farewell dinner. LOL. It wasn’t anything grand. It was just a simple dinner. As I had to go out to get a few more stuff that I wanted to bring back, I brought my siblings and cousins out with me. It was the last chance we could spend some time together before I depart. After getting the stuffs I wanted, mainly food, I went back home and started packing. The packing process was hilarious as I tried to pack 40 packets of instant noodles, tens of cans of can food and tens of packets of drinks into my bag. Not forgetting my books and clothes. As Caitlyn watched me pack, we both laughed at my packing techniques. I could literally make a whole 30 minutes comedic documentary just with my packing process.

As I stuffed too many things into one of my bags, it got torn. Usually this would be a bad thing, especially if you had a flight that was leaving in 3 hour time, but in this case, it was a blessing in disguise. Because the bag was torn, I got to realize a talent that I never knew my step dad had. He could actually sew. Unbelievable. For a man who is as lazy as him, he could actually sew to save his own life. And also, because the bag was torn, I had no other choice but to go to the airport to check in first. I could not go with my whole family but they would meet at the airport about an hour before my flight left. So after finishing dinner, I went to the airport to check in with Caitlyn. It was an awkward 30 minutes drive to the airport. We said barely anything but somehow we knew what each other were thinking. I guessed goodbye came a little too soon. We both knew it was coming. We just didn’t know it was coming this soon.

Upon arriving at the airport, I checked in and met my cousin who kidnapped my lap top for the whole day to transfer a few of my dramas into his own computer. As we stood at the airport waiting for my family to arrive, we joked. The jokes were lame but we laughed at each and every one of them. If it weren’t so sad, it would have been funny. My family finally arrived. And before I knew it, everyone was standing at the departure gate. I had the bag that my father had sewn on me and all that was left was the goodbye.

With no surprise, my mum poured her heart out. My siblings had grown up and this time around, they were stronger. They did not cry but I could still feel their pain. The one good news though was that I would be back in 4 months time. After hugging each and every one, came one problem. How to say goodbye to Caitlyn? After thinking for a few moments (this is a note to myself: never think things over too much), I came up with the best goodbye. I went to say goodbye to her and I ……….. (this isn’t so what you’re expecting, so be emotionally prepared)………shook her hands.

(to be continued)

Next on Chapter 8 : Leaving on a Jet Plane, which will debut tomorrow.

The continuation of Chapter 7. This time, in KLIA.

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