Saturday, 22 December 2007

Turning 2.0 Season 3 Chapter 3 : Try (Nellly Furtado)

Previously :
I finally decided to try and step into unknown territor known as relationship. Although fearful of what could be, it was better to give it a go. However, the question remains if I could actually work this out. Or would I pull a houdini before anything great happens?

"The past will always be there. And the past will never change. The only thing we can do is try and change the present for a better future. The only thing we can do is try to enjoy the present and find a silver lining in everything we encounter. Blessing in disguise, as some might say. I am counting my blessings everyday"

August 2007

After sealing the deal or if you want to make it more romantic, after agreeing to love in Venice, that morning, we met for the first time as a couple. I went to the nearest supermarket before meeting her at the park with the statue of dolphins near the place where I live and the place where she teaches music. I wanted to buy drinks for the two of us. Since I have no idea what are her favourite drinks, I just bought 5 and let her choose. When we met, my heart was pumping more blood to my brain that it has ever. There were quiet moments. And that is odd for my standard. There are barely any quiet moments with I am around. Sure, there are moments when you wish it was quiet, but no moments when it was actually quiet. I guess it was just a first date shiver.

As it turned out, it was right. As time passed by, I began to grow comfortable with the idea of sharing my life with someone. But it wasn’t long though before my fear started crawling back. Every day I woke up, I was so afraid that that day would be day we broke up. Every minute was becoming more and more escruciating. Every second was becoming more and more painful. But I made a promise to myself. I would try and make this last for as long as I could.

Lucky for me though, I already planned a trip to Kuala Lumpur for four days before returning to Kuching. So after going out for a week with Cait, I flew to KL to meet Ihsan, Nor and Iman. We were planning to go and see our new juniors as well as visit KLCC to see our student advisor.

While I was in KL, I stayed with Muz who was going to fly to German in January of 2008. Staying of Muz was great. He has not changed one bit. Still an easy going person and was still a great friend. While I was with him, the experience itself didn’t feel that great of a deal. But once I returned to Kuching and Japan, I began to appreaciate those moments. You can never go wrong with great friends like him I guess.

While I was in KL, I still messaged Cait everyday. The feeling was great to know that although you were so far away from someone, you could still talk to the person almost every moment of every day. For once, in my life, I was caring for someone who was also caring for me. However, the moment that made me realized I was never going to run away was the last day I was in KL.

Since Muz lived really far away from the airport, I told Muz I would stay overnight at KL Central while waiting for the morning bus to go to KLIA. While I was waiting at KL Central, Cait messaged me almost every minute. She said that she would stay awake as long as I would stay awake. That was the most romantic thing I have ever heard. I know it was such simple words but I was truly touched at that point. That made me realized what a beautiful girl she was. Let me say that again. That made me realize what a beautiful woman she is.

Since that trip to KL, every day I began to realize how beautiful she is. I asked her a question one day. The question was who inspired her the most in life. One day, while we were sitting at the park while waiting for Jerry and Azeezul (two new friends I have been hanging out with) to go and pee (not at the nearest coffee shop, isntead, they drove home to pee and left us waiting. idiots), she said she thought about the question and she finally figured out the answer. She said that the person who touched her the most was my mother for her courage and bravery in supporting this family on her own. That moment, I realized I made the right choice. She is the one.
I was not sure how long can I stay grounded but I know for sure, I am going to try.

After all, including this month, it has already been 4 months since we started. And I hoped it will last. But if it doesn’t, I won’t regret this experience at all. Cause Cait, you’ve showned me more than you know. I can’t imagine this chapter of my life without you in it. Thanks, Cait.

Coming Up Next In Chapter 4 : Everything (Michael Buble)
After three seasons, it's finally time for me to blog about people that matters most to me, my family. As this is the last season and probably the last time I will ever blog this much about my life, I want to dedicate the next few chapters to people who I really care.

p/s Thank you, Mark for the amazing header. Truly appreciate it. A round of applause to you.

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